W dniach 7-10 września 2022 r. w Budapeszcie odbył się Kongres ESE.
Kongresy ESE odbywają się co dwa lata i obejmują kursy i warsztaty przedkongresowe, szereg wykładów i sympozjów, obszerne targi oraz wyjątkowe imprezy towarzyskie.
Oficjalna strona kongresu: https://www.e-s-e.eu/our-events/biennial-congress/
Dear Colleagues,
We are contacting you with reference to the 20th ESE Biennial Congress to be held in Budapest from 7 to 10 September 2022.
Authors with submitted abstracts are kindly requested to resubmit their abstract(s) in the new ESE Budapest online platform here https://esebiennialcongress.com/online-submission-review-quick-guide by 1st May.
The resubmission of all abstracts is required due to an unexpected technical anomaly in the online submission platform which has forced us to create a new dedicated online registration and abstract submission system for which the Organising Secretariat deeply apologises.
We do appreciate the additional effort and short deadline and apologise for this inconvenience. We would like to reiterate that this will not affect in any way the outcome of the evaluation of your abstract.
All authors who still want to submit an abstract may still do so online until 6th May! Please access the new online submissions platform on the ESE Biennial Congress website here https://esebiennialcongress.com/online-submission-review-quick-guide by 6th May.
Before submitting or resubmitting please do make sure that you check again the submission rules available here https://esebiennialcongress.com/general-submission-guidelines
We would like to take this opportunity that remind you that online registrations are also live! Make sure to access the registration link here https://esebiennialcongress.com/registration-area and register before the Early Bird deadline – 31st May.
For any queries or additional information do not hesitate the contact the ESE Budapest Organising Secretariat esebudapest2022@aimgroup.eu
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest!
Paul Whithworth
ESE President